Google+ Το Ξέφωτο: Η χαζομάρα δεν έχει όριο...

Τρίτη 18 Αυγούστου 2015

Η χαζομάρα δεν έχει όριο...

There Are So Many Idiots in the World
Κάποιοι άνθρωποι έχουν άγνοια κινδύνου...

2There Are So Many Idiots in the World
3There Are So Many Idiots in the World
4There Are So Many Idiots in the World
5There Are So Many Idiots in the World
6There Are So Many Idiots in the World
7There Are So Many Idiots in the World
8There Are So Many Idiots in the World
9There Are So Many Idiots in the World

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