Google+ Το Ξέφωτο: Η μεγαλύτερη μοτοσικλέτα στον κόσμο ζυγίζει 5 τόνους!!

Δευτέρα 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2010

Η μεγαλύτερη μοτοσικλέτα στον κόσμο ζυγίζει 5 τόνους!!

Μια ομάδα μοτοσικλετιστών που διευθύνεται από  τον Tilo Niebel του ανατολικογερμανικού χωριού Zillah έχει παρουσιάσει το τέρας των  μοτοσικλετών του που φτιάχτηκε με το χέρι.
Το τέρας που ζυγίζει σχεδόν πέντε τόνους και ένα μήκος 5,5 μετρά, είναι εξοπλισμένο με μια μηχανή από το σοβιετικό τανκ με δύναμη 800 HP!
Το βιβλίο Guiness κατέγραψε το βάρος της μοτοσικλέτας στα 4.740 κιλά.

the biggest motorcycle in the world which weights 5 tons3 The Biggest Motorcycle in the World Which Weights 5 tons

the biggest motorcycle in the world which weights 5 tons4 The Biggest Motorcycle in the World Which Weights 5 tons

the biggest motorcycle in the world which weights 5 tons5 The Biggest Motorcycle in the World Which Weights 5 tons
the biggest motorcycle in the world which weights 5 tons6 The Biggest Motorcycle in the World Which Weights 5 tons
the biggest motorcycle in the world which weights 5 tons9 The Biggest Motorcycle in the World Which Weights 5 tons
the biggest motorcycle in the world which weights 5 tons13 The Biggest Motorcycle in the World Which Weights 5 tons
the biggest motorcycle in the world which weights 5 tons8 The Biggest Motorcycle in the World Which Weights 5 tons
the biggest motorcycle in the world which weights 5 tons11 The Biggest Motorcycle in the World Which Weights 5 tons
the biggest motorcycle in the world which weights 5 tons12 The Biggest Motorcycle in the World Which Weights 5 tons
the biggest motorcycle in the world which weights 5 tons1 The Biggest Motorcycle in the World Which Weights 5 tons
the biggest motorcycle in the world which weights 5 tons2 The Biggest Motorcycle in the World Which Weights 5 tons
the biggest motorcycle in the world which weights 5 tons10 The Biggest Motorcycle in the World Which Weights 5 tons
the biggest motorcycle in the world which weights 5 tons7 The Biggest Motorcycle in the World Which Weights 5 tons

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